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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a draft-based league and why do you use this format?
Majority of our leagues are draft-based in which we allow players the opportunity to require a certain amount of friends to be added to his/her team. The remainder of the team will be put together through a draft-process based on players' skills and other pertinent criteria entered during registration (we do not host live tryouts). We use this format for three primary reasons. First, it allows a stronger platform to build new community for our players than does team-based registration format. As a ministry, it is important for us to see our members engage in new connections and we believe a draft-based format greatly increases these opportunities. Secondly, we believe it elevates the sportsmanship level of our leagues. When new communities are established, it is more difficult for a player to exhibit poor sportsmanship since a greater and tighter network of friendships have been established throughout our leagues. And thirdly, a draft-based league creates a more even, fair, and competitve playing field for all participants. Although this process is never perfect, we see a far smaller discrepancy between the skill level of teams than what we see in a team-based registration format.

Why do you ask for payment 7 days prior to a league starting?
Our experience tells us that a small percentage of people who register will quit prior to a league starting with no notification and without paying any league fees. Therefor this rule allows us to protect all of the other players in the league to ensure to our best ability all teams will have adequate players. By not collecting league fees in advance we run the risk of teams being short-handed.

Where are your leagues played?
We do our best to host our leagues at venues that lie between the two Red Rocks Church campuses. Depending on what's available, we sometimes host a league outside of this area. Please view our locations for a list of venues we currently host events.

Why do you pray after games?
We understand most faith-based leagues pray prior to games, but we have a different philosophy. We believe praying after the game has the benefit bringing all players together after competition, at a time when emotions are likely to be at their highest. We believe prayer at this time helps to calm these emotions and bring the players together to gain the proper perspective and give glory to God for the game that just took place. We do, however, encourage captains and teams to pray together prior to the games being played but leave this up to the discretion of each team.

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